Pregnancy After Loss Affirmations.

After realizing that I was pregnant again, I was so excited, but that excitement quickly turned to fear and worry. I experienced pregnancy loss only a few months prior, and the feelings that came with it were still pretty fresh. If you have experienced a loss like this, you most likely understand how it can mess with your head, especially when you find yourself expecting once more. That fear and anxiety can be overwhelming. One thing that carried me through the first trimester was utilizing affirmations to help set my mind at ease.

It may sound a little “woo”, but there have actually been studies that show how utilizing things like positive affirmations and journaling can help break negative thought patterns and help shift your perspective. This doesn’t mean that we are pretending everything is unicorns and rainbows, but it allows you to notice and take account of both the positive and negative feelings you may have. It helps you to cope with the uncertainty of a situation you can’t control, but that’s really important to you.

Here are a few affirmations that really stuck with me as well as some journaling prompts you can try. If you are experiencing the same thing, I hope this provides you with a little bit of relief.

10 Pregnancy After Loss Affirmations

There is no wrong way to utilize affirmations. You can repeat them to yourself, incorporate it into your breath work, meditation or yoga practice. You can print them out and stick them in places you would see, like your mirror or desk. You can even write it down and carry it in your wallet. Simply find something that works for you.

If you’d like to have these affirmations on hand, be sure to grab my free download of these, which you can access HERE.

  • In this moment everything is ok

  • Today I am pregnant

  • Replace our worries with peace, our fear with courage

  • Different pregnancy, different outcome

  • Worry is the thief of joy

  • Each passing day is a day to celebrate

  • It is okay to hope

  • I trust my body and its ability to carry a healthy baby

  • I am stronger than my thoughts

10 Pregnancy After Loss Journaling Prompts

When journaling you can use anything, though I love the feeling of opening up a fresh cute notebook, but don’t let that stop you. You can even use your phone or another online note taking tool.

Your journal can be in the form of a list, bullet point notes, drawings, poems, pictures and everything in between. Feel free to include your own thoughts and feelings, other people’s words, quotes, whatever speaks to you. Just know this is your personal space and it doesn’t have to be perfect.

If you need help getting started, use these journal prompts to support you.

  • List 5 words to describe how you feel right now.

  • Write a letter to someone to help them understand how you feel. You don’t have to send it if you don’t want to.

  • Write a letter to the baby you are pregnant with or the baby or babies you lost.

  • Write a letter to your past or future self.

  • What makes you strong?

  • What is positive about your life today, right now?

  • What has helped you cope over the last week?

  • What have you found difficult?

  • What is in your control today?

  • What is out of your control today?

If all else fails, find support and community

If you do find that you are struggling with pregnancy loss or pregnancy after loss, I would encourage you to seek out additional resources in your community, such as a licensed perinatal mental health counselor. You can find a full directory of these professionals on the Postpartum Support International’s website.

Pregnancy loss is hard, and it can be surprisingly hard when you find yourself pregnant again. And remember, it’s ok to not be ok, even when society says you should be excited. Feel all your feelings because it is all valid.


Month of Giving 2023


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