Pediatric massage.

If you find yourself asking, why in the world would my child need a massage, then you are in the right place, mama! Please use this page as a resource to answer any questions you may have about pediatric massage. If you can’t find what you are looking for send us an email and we will try and answer your question.

The benefits.

Providing touch therapy for children has not only been proven to be a crucial part of a child’s growth and development, but research has shown that nurturing touch for children is critical in establishing the foundation of their overall sense of well being.

Of course normal affectionate touch from a parent or caretaker is important, but when you add massage to your child’s regular routine, this can help promote a more integrated physiological, neurological and psychological development and function. Research has shown that massaging a child can help to soothe common discomforts, promote restful sleep, improve immune function, digestion and the healthy development of the white matter portion of the brain. Here are few more benefits to your child receiving therapeutic massage:

  • Improves joint mobility

  • Reduces hypersensitivity to tactile input

  • Increases quality and quantity of vocalization

  • Enhances body image and self esteem

  • Increases a healthy sense of boundaries

  • Creates good self care habits early

  • Decreased anxiety and stress hormones

  • Reduces aggressive behavior

  • Enhances respiratory function

  • Production of optimal hormone levels

  • Increases body awareness (visual, tactile and proprioceptive input)

  • Improves muscle tone and muscle relaxation

Your little ones are more active than ever, in mind and in body. Teaching them to manage stress and body awareness while they are young can help prevent a lifetime of chronic pain and poor habits. Working with a massage therapist who is knowledgeable in pediatric massage can help your child receive the greatest benefit by providing an experience that is accompanied by nurturing intention, mutual respect and connection. We can help educate you and your child in positive and healthy nurturing touch, age appropriate calming strategies and best ways to navigate the client/therapist relationship for future self care.

What age can my child start receiving massage?

In our massage practice, we help support children as young as 2 years old and up to age 17. When working with younger children we know so many things can factor into whether or not you may think your child may be ready for massage, but it’s important to understand that massage for children can look very different than massage for adults, and we incorporate various tools to help engage a child so they can receive the most benefit from their massage.

What can I expect from a pediatric massage?

So what does a pediatric massage session actually look like? To answer this question, it’s important to start from the very beginning. When booking your appointment, you will be required to fill out a digital intake form. If the child is old enough to help you answer the questions, we definitely recommend that you include them in this process. Not only will you be able to connect with your child and how they are feeling, but it also allows the child to feel a sense of autonomy before the massage session even begins.

If this is your child’s very first professional massage, the massage therapist will take extra care to explain everything in age appropriate terms. The therapist will explain to your child what massage is and how it can help the body feel better. They will explain the various ways massage can be performed, sitting in a chair, on the floor, or even on the massage table. The child will then be able to decide where they would like to receive their massage, based on their comfort level. If the child decides they would like to be on the massage table, the therapist will also explain any disrobing procedures. The child and the parent will have complete control over this decision, but just like massage for grown ups, the child can disrobe to their comfort level, and modest draping will be utilized.

The massage therapist will also take time to explain the permission process and it’s importance. Children’s massage is always linked with a permission process. When used together, these practices will help to reinforce respect for the child and begin to establish positive boundaries.

Additionally, your child’s massage therapist will go over their intake form to find out any pertinent details that can help them decide what their treatment may look like. We’ll ask them in age appropriate language, questions about school, activities and hobbies, how they are currently feeling and any specific areas they would like focus on, etc. All of this information is so important to us, as it gives us an excellent starting off point in how we will approach the massage, and what possible education we can provide for your child, for in-between sessions.

If the child is older, massage may look very similar to what a massage for a grown up looks like, but utilizing techniques that are appropriate for their specific needs and requests. For younger children, massage can look very different. The massage therapist can work with the child fully clothed, on a chair, on the floor, or on the table. The massage therapist may use various stories, songs, even toys to help engage the little one, so they can get the most benefit of their session. We may even utilize the help of the parent in various ways depending on the needs of the child. The child may also at any time elect that they no longer want to be touched, in which case the massage therapist will immediately respect that decision and find an alternative way to finish the session. This can be done through movement therapy, breath work or guiding the trusted care giver in some massage techniques. Allowing your child to feel in control of their body and what happens to it during their massage session is key to them having a positive, safe and effective experience.

We’ll end the massage with our post-consultation. Here is where we can discuss any questions that your child and you may have about what happened during session, we can discuss what we found and provide breath work, stretching, self massage techniques or other age appropriate self care education to help your little one feel better in their body. We may also recommend other trusted professionals, depending on what additional pediatric support your child may need.

How often should my child receive pediatric massage?

If your child is new to massage, we recommend they receive massage on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, for the first three sessions. This will allow your child time to acclimate and get comfortable with the process. But more generally speaking, frequency will depend on the goals, schedule and budget of each family. Every child’s needs are different, which is why speaking with your child’s massage therapist for specific guidelines can be helpful. Be sure to snag our free Tips for Kid Massage Download, to learn some simple massage techniques you can start to incorporate at home too!

If regular massage is something that you plan to add to your child’s self care routine, we recommend taking a look at our Nurtured Child massage packages. Additionally, once a month we offer a Pediatric Massage Day, in order to ensure we have dedicated time for our pediatric clients on our schedule. For more information on this, please check out our Community page.

Common pediatric massage questions.

Here are a few common questions we hear when it comes to pediatric massage. Click each one to learn a bit more.

  • One of the best ways to introduce massage to your child is to start talking about it. Talk with them in age-appropriate language about what massage is, how it might feel and the importance of communication with the provider. You can also start to incorporate massage into their daily routine before bed or nap time by asking permission to massage their back or hands or feet and gauge their reaction. You can also have them tag along in one of your massage sessions so they can get an idea of what massage looks like and give them an opportunity to ask the practitioner any questions.

    Be sure to snag our free Tips for Kid Massage Download, to learn some simple massage techniques you can start to Tips for Kid Massage Download incorporate at home too!

  • As stated above, the permission process will always be used in a pediatric massage session. This helps to reinforce respect for the child and will establish positive boundaries. In our massage practice, our permission process starts by the therapist rubbing their hands together to warm them, looking at the child to show respect and then verbally asking if they would like to receive massage.

    We specifically ask permission prior to beginning massage because it lets the child know what is about to happen, it gives the therapist an opportunity to check with the child and gauge their verbal and non-verbal cues and it supports good boundaries.

  • It’s important to understand what goes on your child’s skin because a child’s skin is still developing and can absorb more easily than adults.

    In our massage practice we use HobaCare Jojoba Oil, which is a liquid wax. The liquid wax esters in jojoba are the closest thing in the plant world to the sebum our skin produces, making jojoba incredibly compatible with our skin.

    Jojoba is nontoxic, nonallergenic (the extract is pressed from a seed, not a nut, and is safe for clients with nut allergies), and noncomedogenic since it won’t clog pores with its sebum-compatibility.

  • Session times for pediatric massage range from 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minute sessions. If this is a child’s first time, if their attention span is shorter, are younger or if they are working through sensory struggles, a shorter time may be best to start off with. Of course every child is different. If you are unsure what to choose, feel free to reach out with your specific concerns and we can help you select the option that may be best for you and your child.

Nurturing touch for children.

Touch is the first sense to develop in humans and is essential to our health and well-being. Children who learn healthy views of touch and are provided with positive tactile experience by their caregivers or a professional, are more likely to grow up to be adults with healthy self-esteem, a sense of appropriate boundaries, long-lasting intimate relationships and the ability to create positive healthy habits. When working with a massage therapist who is trained in pediatric massage, you can safely and effectively incorporate this holistic modality into your child’s self care routine. We are honored for the opportunity to work with you and your family and can’t wait to help teach the younger generation about the many benefits massage has to offer.