Kids bedtime stretch routine

If your child struggles to fall asleep or stay asleep at night, try adding some Mindful Movement into their bedtime routine. When kids participate in bedtime stretches before they fall asleep, not only is this creating great habits for when they grow up, but it is an amazing tool that helps to support a good night’s rest. As we know, good sleep, especially for a little one supports growth, learning and allows their brain to rest.

In children specifically, a healthy sleep cycle supports so many aspects of their development including:

  • Cognition

  • Learning

  • Behavior

  • Nutrition

  • Emotional Development

  • Social Development

Studies show stretching before bed helps to aid in more quality sleep, the slow movements helps to regulate the nervous system, and helps the child to stay asleep.

Getting Started

Of course you know your bedtime routine best and what works for your family, but I’m happy to offer a little guidance if you need. So here are my tips to set the ambiance for bedtime. I find it’s super helpful to engage all the senses if possible.

First I would recommend shutting down all screens at least an hour before bedtime. Start to dim the lights of your home or turn on a few lamps and use less overhead lighting. If you have it available, create a wind down playlist or play soothing nature sounds from your phone or smart speaker. If you have an aromatherapy diffuser, diffuse some lavender or child friendly essential oil in the space you plan to do your Mindful Movement. Whatever you choose, consistency is key and these things will eventually help signal your little one’s body that the time for rest will be happening soon.

But what does a bedtime stretch routine look like for my child?

Don’t worry mama, I got you covered! I created a video with some of my favorite bedtime mindful movements you can do with your little one. You can watch the video together before bed or you can download the free Bedtime Movement Cards to mix and match to create your own routine that works best for you and your family.

I would recommend doing this sequence about 5-10 minutes before your child should be laying down to sleep. Find a space that is large enough for you and/or your child to stretch out, whether its the living room or the room where they sleep. This specific sequence is great for ages 2-10, though any age is more than welcome to join!

If you find that sleep is hard for your child and you want to try a new approach, receiving massage from a certified pediatric massage therapist can be extremely beneficial. Research shows us that massage for children who struggle with sleep, positively affects the hormones that are responsible for stress, pain and more. This allows your child to get deeper more restful sleep. Additionally you’ll be able to learn techniques to use at home with your child so they can keep receiving the benefits massage has to offer. To learn more about pediatric massage and to book click the button below.


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2022 Gratitude Pumpkin